Sunday, March 11, 2012


Could catch fire.  Under the right circumstances. 

Would catch fire.  If it got heated enough.
Should catch fire?  Not necessarily.

Things can be flammable.  Tufts of cotton and planks of wood.  Could catch fire, would catch fire.  Could and would cause the utter destruction of the thing itself.  And you, if you’re standing nearby.  My daughters all wear pajamas with warning labels: Flammable!  Could catch fire, would catch fire.  Should catch fire?  No.


Words can be flammable.   Words like ‘politics’ and ‘religion’.  Could catch fire, would catch fire…if the conversation got heated enough.  Could and would cause the utter destruction of the thing itself.  And you, if you’re standing nearby.  I wish some of the conversations I’ve had recently came with warning labels: Flammable!  Could catch fire, would catch fire.  Should’ve caught fire?  And caused the utter destruction of the thing itself?  No.



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